Praying About the Storm
How should we pray about this storm? Al Mohler has some pertinent thoughts from his blog linked above.
What appears a random choice of natural elements is really a sovereign system of divine intentions. Jesus said, "Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father" (Matthew 10:29). Within the wrath of hurricane Dennis, a branch will not break apart from God's divine intentions. I have friends and family who will feel Dennis' impact today, the Lord's Day. I pray that the goodness of God through the tragedies that strike will become very clear today, even now.
Easy to say while on the left coast, right? Well, it was only a month ago that the earth shook us during offertory. God is in complete control and His purposes may be beyond our tracing out on this day. Yet, the tangled mess of a multitude of circumstances will one day be seen as the perfectly orchestrated tapestry of God's grace. And in awe we will bless His holy name.
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